«It gives me great pleasure to pass on the daily lessons and discoveries of my profession. Books are ideal for this purpose.»

Alles klar
(All Clear)

There are 80 recipes in this book, from amuse-bouches and small glasses of aperitif through to soups and starters, main courses and desserts. All you need to know about the preparation and attractive presentation of «cuisine in a glass».
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Gewürze (Spices)

150 exceptional recipes show how to cook fantastic blends of aromas and wonderful dishes in your own home. Lovingly designed and illustrated with over 160 gorgeous photographs.
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Kräuter (Herbs)

40 herbs and 140 recipes, impressively presented with whole-page photographs and recipes you will feel inspired to try out. A book full of tasty surprises for keen cooks.
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& Ausgepackt
(Preserves as Presents)

60 recipes for imaginative and surprising gifts from the kitchen. All fresh ingredients, of course. Quick and easy to prepare.
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Aroma pur
(Sheer Flavour)

Tanja Grandits’ choice of her 15 favourite flavours. 75 recipes, from starters and soups through to vegetarian, fish and meat dishes and desserts. A sparkling array of scents, spices and flavours.
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